My father was a life insurance adviser for 33 years. He told me many things that I think of daily. I’ll share two of them with you.
Two quick stories of this recently:
This article is only half the story. By setting your policies up with an adviser, not only are you more likely to get a claim paid, your cover is likely to be larger and more appropriate for what you require. I can tell you from personal experience that when you need to claim, every cent you get paid is precious. Risk advisers like us will recommend based on your needs.
“I’m recommending this level of cover so your mortgage will be covered, your children’s education costs will be covered, and your family will have an ongoing income until your children grow up.”
I’ll give you one more reason why you should ring me or any risk adviser for your life, TPD, trauma and income protection insurance needs.
Ring your super fund and say:
“If I have a stroke, what claims service will you provide? What will it cost?”
Or ring your direct insurer and say:
“If I have a terminal illness, what claims services will you provide for me and my family? What will it cost?”
Then consider this. I sat in the hospital room with our client and filled in the claim form for her because she was physically incapable of doing so due to the stroke she’d just suffered. I prepared all the documentation, met with her on multiple occasions, sent the forms to the insurer, spoke regularly to the claims manager on her behalf, followed up the insurer and eventually rang her to inform her that more than $200,000 had been paid into her account a week before Christmas.
Or this. On hearing that one of our clients had been diagnosed with a terminal illness, the principle of Fitzpatrick Financial Services went straight to the client to remind him what cover he had and that his policy included a terminal illness benefit. He then helped our client to fill in the claim form, submitted the claim on his behalf, spoke regularly to the claims manager and managed all outstanding requirements. He eventually rang the dying man to inform him that he could now stop work and be certain that his family will be financially secure because he had just confirmed the insurer had paid $2,000,000 into his account that day.
Is your super fund going to do that? Is your direct insurer going to do that? Is your industry super fund going to do that? Guess what our clients get charged for this incredible service? I bet you can’t? Zero dollars. It is simply part of our service. Claims are the most important part of what we do, with no additional cost to our clients.
What a wonderful job we do. At the worst time in people’s lives, when everyone else has their hand out for money, we come to our clients with care, compassion and cash. Talk to us, don’t wait. There are no fees and no obligation.
Ben Day is a specialist life insurance adviser for Fitzpatrick Financial Services
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