I have experienced first-hand the incredible benefits trauma and income protection policies can provide.
I have had reason to claim on my trauma insurance and income protection policies. Shortly after being diagnosed with leukaemia, I also had a skin cancer removed. This procedure was done as a matter of urgency because, as my Oncologist said, "leukaemia and skin cancer don't mix".
Before the skin cancer and many other medical issues that were caused by the leukaemia - which meant my Doctor and I seemed like we were becoming best mates because we were meeting so often - I was in perfect health. I previously had never had anything wrong with me other than being hit with a cold or flue and minor football injuries. Major illnesses don't give you warnings, one day I'm OK (as far as I knew) and the next, weekly doctor visits.
This was bought home to me again this month when I helped a client of ours with a trauma claim. She is 42 years old with three children, husband and mortgage.She had a severe stroke and, as she said, "they are not sure if I will ever work again". She is left handed and it took about two minutes to sign each signature section on the claim form.
When I met with her to pick up the final documents required for the claim she showed me the stack of bills from when she was in hospital. She was very concerned that the policy wouldn't pay as she was in a terrible financial situation if it didn't.
She cried when I rang her to say that she would be paid in the next few days and the money would be in her account for Christmas. It reminded me of how important my job is and what a difference all life insurance advisers make to people when they need it most.
It's easy to look at the premiums and wonder "why am I paying these". I know why, it made a massive difference to my ability to manage my illness. Our client, who is now able to fund her therapy as well as cover the mortgage and her husband is able to look after her knows too. Most importantly she will be able to concentrate on her recovery without financial concerns. She won't need to wonder, "how are we going to survive?" She can think, "what do I need to recover as best I can?" not "how are we going to afford my recovery?".
Ever thought about getting trauma cover? If you think it is something worthwhile do it now, don't delay, the consequences of delaying can be catastrophic. It could make all the difference.
Ben Day is a specialist life insurance adviser at Fitzpatrick Financial Services and a director of consultancy Risk Sales Tools.
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