The changes that have been made to the life insurance advice industry feels a lot like officials changing the rules of the AFL.
I’ve been bemused over the years at the many rule changes that the guardians of the AFL have made to improve this great game.
The impact is that every player starts the new season under new rules and the goalposts have been moved. Of course, these guardians are adamant that these rules changes are necessary because they are for the benefit of the player and the game, and ultimately they are made so the football follower views a better spectacle.
In the AFL, there are very few players who do the wrong thing and get suspended over the course of a season, but when they do they must be disciplined for the fairness and safety of the game.
Note the similarities: For what seems to be an eternity the guardians of this great industry have worked on changing the rules of play, and if we’re to believe what we’re told they’ve moved the goalposts for the betterment of the game? FOFA, LIAWG, Trowbridge, FSI reforms will all have an impact on how you play your game, on how you run your business and on the advice you give.
You have every right to be concerned because this is your livelihood, but have you been bumped off the ball over the past 12 months? Have you had fewer kicks, have you seen fewer clients and have you given less advice to your teammates ... your clients? It’s time for you to get back to your knitting ... don’t let the guardians do this to your business, because when you get bogged down in bureaucracy your clients pay the price.
When your client suffers a life-changing accident or illness you had better have the appropriate “risk” protection in place already. You must be there for your client at all times because you – yes, only YOU – can provide your client with the “risk” protection and the funds at the time they so desperately need it.
You have a “duty of care” for all of your clients and if you miss a review, or you fail to provide the correct advice to just one of them, Murphy’s Law guarantees that that’s the client who will have a life-changing event that your advice would have provided for.
Please don’t underestimate who you are. I’ll guarantee that apart from the doctor, at the time of your client’s darkest hour you are the most important person in the world to them because you, and only you, have the power to help them survive financially.
Annual reviews are critical to the ongoing health and prosperity of your business, and they’re critical to the client whose situation has changed over the past 12 months. This may seem basic, but it’s time to get back to the basics – and don’t get bumped off the ball for your client’s sake.
On behalf of your clients I say ... help me!
John Maher is a Keynote Speaker specialising in risk
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