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Surviving the post-holiday blues

Who doesn't love a holiday? We spend so much time planning and looking forward to them that they can be over before you know it! It's quite common upon returning to work after a break to feel a bit down. We've put together some tips on how to get back into the swing of things a bit easier.

Get on top of things
It's a no brainer - You know you will be going back to a pile of work and a full email inbox. The best thing to do is to prioritise what needs to be done first and just plough through. You'll probably find some of the work has already been done or the queries answered, so don't forget to check with whoever was looking after your tasks while you were away. You'll feel a lot more in control once the back log is dealt with and your colleagues will give you the time to get back up to speed!

You've just had an amazing holiday – surely you've got stories to tell. Take the time to catch up with your colleagues for a chat. Don't forget to find out what's been going on in the office while you've been away as it will re-establish your connection with the team and remind you of what you enjoy about your job! A little bit of gossip can go a long way!

Establish your routine
Sleeping in, eating delicious and decadent food as often as you want, having a few drinks – it's all part of the holiday fun so it can be disheartening once you are back at work. It's time to get back into your routines. Get to bed early so when that alarm clock goes off it's not so much of a shock, pull out the sneakers. Do a big cook up of healthy lunches on the weekend so you can just grab them as you run out the door. Set an alarm on your computer to remind you to have lunch and coffee breaks at set times. By establishing routines early, you'll find it easier and quicker to slide back into work mode.

Treat Yourself
You're back at work, not in prison! The weekend is a great time to take mini-breaks, go out to dinner and relax – use it! Go for a drive, see a movie, hang out with friends or just read a book. Just because your next holiday won't be for a while, doesn't mean that you can't have fun.