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Make your boss love you

We all want to make the right impression on our bosses. Not only does that mean that you have a positive working relationship (making your job more enjoyable), but it can help you progress within your career faster.

It's not about 'sucking up' to the boss – they get enough of that and a good boss can see it a mile off. Neither is it about putting in massive overtime and never complaining – that's not making a good impression, it's being used. So, get out of the office, put down the wooden spoon from the batch of homemade macarons you are making for your boss' birthday and read on.

Act like a New Staff Member
Remember how keen you were when you first started? How polite and eager to listen, learn and make a good impression? Over time, workers can begin to relax their standards of behaviour and dress around the office as they become more comfortable. Arriving a few minutes late, turning up occasionally a bit under the weather from a late night and going from dressing business corporate to corporate casual can be seen by your managers as a lack of passion and investment in your role.

Show that you still think highly of the position and the company by giving it the respect that it deserves. If you remember that you should treat every day like you did your first and give everyone the best version of you – you will stand out and your boss will notice.

Think for yourself
Asking questions is a great way to learn, but if you are constantly asking others, you are demonstrating that you need supervision and are not retaining the information. Take the initiative to find out information for yourself – a quick search on the company website/intranet could easily give you what you need. The fact that you are working things out for yourself shows a personal drive to learn and become knowledgeable about the business without supervision. Your boss will notice your initiative and ability to work autonomously.

EXCEPTION – DON'T RISK YOUR HEALTH - If you are unsure about anything that could affect your health and safety – ALWAYS ASK. All work place injuries can be avoided if people ask if they are unsure or have not been shown the correct way to do something.

Go beyond your job description
Your job description should be seen as the starting point for your position. There may be times where you are called upon to work on projects and tasks that aren't directly related to your role. Look at these as opportunities to grow your skills and integrate yourself further into the business. Don't become a doormat – you want a reputation as adaptable and reliable, not the girl/guy who never says no.


Get Involved
Does your company have a social committee? A sports club? Footy Tipping? Becoming involved in all aspects of the business, both work and play, shows that you are making a personal investment in the company. Managers love to see that their staff are more invested in the company than their roles and subsequently invest more in them.

Invest in your development
Not all companies can provide lots of training opportunities, so it is up to you to manage your personal development. Join up to the REIV so you can receive updates and invitations to networking events. Check out the training courses and see which ones would be relevant. Approach your manager with your intentions as you may need to take time off or they may be able to provide some financial assistance. Showing your interest in continuing to grow your skills outside the available in house training will demonstrate to your manager your commitment to excelling in your role and at the company.