The Diefenbach inquest, investigating a baby’s death in a rental home, is a dark reminder to property managers and principals to stay up to date with ever changing legislation
I came from a sales background and moved to the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) where compliance, training and legislation became my most passionate subjects.
After working with the REIQ for five years and returning to the world of real estate as general manager for the Place Property Management department, I came to the realisation that in real estate, it is more imperative than ever to be fully compliant and ensure your staff are continuously developing their skill set and refreshing themselves on ever- changing legislation.
In the past you could get away with the small things. However, in the current world of litigation and public awareness you cannot afford to step outside the lines. Property management is becoming more and more challenging with the risks of taking on properties that have outstanding issues or maintenance.
Since the Diefenbach inquest, which centred on a baby falling off a balcony, the world of property management has been turned upside down.
Recently, the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act (RTRA Act) was under review, providing the industry with an opportunity to submit to the discussion paper on changes the industry supported.
One of the items up for discussion is item 1.25 – Standard of premises S185 – with reference to the coroner’s recommendations of mandatory building and pest inspections to ensure properties are maintained to lower the risk of death or injury.
Risk management has become the forefront of every property manager’s mind. We have reduced risk by:
We recently implemented tenant and landlord handbooks to hand over at sign-ups and refer them to their obligations.
For continuing professional development, ensure your staff are educated on sections of the RTRA Act by holding regular training sessions and attending seminars or conferences to ensure compliance is met in such a high risk sector of real estate.
Knowledge is power in this industry, and education is the key to that knowledge.
Written by SANDRA LARKIN, general manager of property management at Brisbane-based Place Estate Agents, a new role created in 2012 to support the group’s booming property management division
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