Cutting through the property myths, and providing sincere, measured advice, Margaret Lomas covers all the basic aspects of choosing that first investment, explaining that property investing has changed since the Global Financial Crisis.
Title: Investing in the Right Property Now!
Author: Margaret Lomas
ISBN: 978-0-987-08491-0
Price: $29.95
Most suited to investors who: are first time investors, or who have invested unwisely
Review: Cutting through the property myths, and providing sincere, measured advice, Margaret Lomas covers all the basic aspects of choosing that first investment, explaining that property investing has changed since the Global Financial Crisis.
Covering macro and micro economies, she explains the property landscape as we’re currently experiencing it, explaining that the best investments are those with capital growth and positive cash flow. Honest and practical, growth drivers
Investors are guided through the process, including being shown how to tailor their strategy and their choice of property to suit their own situation, and a
However, investors who have portfolios that have performed poorly in the past, or not as well as they’d have liked, will also benefit from the information contained in this best-selling property authors sixth book.
Rating: 4.5/5
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