COP26, UN Climate Change Conference
- Impact- Every small change counts. By investing your money in the good, you better the world for future generations.
- Catalyst- You can be part of the catalyst. The popularity of ethical investing is soaring, causing a significant shift in the investment industry.
- Footprint- Divesting from destructive companies can pave the way towards lowering carbon emissions, helping to fight climate change & achieve net zero.
So, do you really know where your super is invested?

Source: COP26, UN Climate Change Conference
Every working adult in Australia could start today – just look how much money we’ve got stashed away in super. 3 trillion, it’s more than the GDP of the UK, France, India etc.
We have the power of change in our payslips.
- From ASFA, June 2021
- To reach these figures, Australian Ethical calculated the difference between the carbon footprint of investment in the MSCI World Index and the MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select Index. It’s important to note that while ceasing to invest in carbon-intensive companies does not actually stop the emissions produced by those companies overnight, large-scale selling of shares in these companies sends a strong public signal and makes it far harder for them to raise new money. This could quickly drive a positive change in the behaviour of these companies, or even render them unviable.
To learn more, click here.