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My journey into financial planning began early in life. Having experienced first-hand the stresses of financial insecurity during childhood, I realised the profound impact financial stability could have on a person’s overall well-being. The determination to prevent others from experiencing such stress became my driving force. I resolved to equip myself with the knowledge and expertise necessary to help others navigate the often complex world of financial management. I continue to achieve my dream of assisting individuals to help themselves through my practice Serafina Wealth Management.

Humble beginnings

Cathy Irwin, born to a working-class family in the late ’60s, my life was surrounded by poverty. My father was an entrepreneur, farming and running his butcher shops, before moving into worm farming. My mother was the typical stay-at-home mum, before taking on various paid roles, and feeding the livestock and tending to the needs of our family, rain, hail or shine.

As a child, I experienced first-hand the differences between those who had money and those who didn’t. The luxury of new clothes, having your hair cut by a hairdresser, and out-of-school activities such as musical education, sporting activities or social gatherings were few and far between, let alone being able to move into tertiary education. The road for most young girls in my situation at that time and place was to marry and raise a family. Following a brief stint at an accounting firm after completing high school, this was the path I took.

Divorce and its aftermath

Unfortunately, as many others have experienced, my journey with financial difficulty was revisited when my 21-year marriage ended, leaving me and my teenage children without a home or any support.

I knocked on many professional doors seeking financial guidance; however, every door was closed before me. It took me nearly 12 months to gain any support from Centrelink, because on paper I was asset rich. However, as the family home was sold in a depressed market, I ended up owing more than owning. At the time I had very little income, working in retail roles, having previously been the stay-at-home wife and mother, supporting my ex-husband’s career and taking care of our children.

Building a better future for myself, my children and my clients

During an incredibly tough financial period in my life, my experience ignited a passion in me to educate myself to enable me to help others professionally. I enrolled at University in 2011 to complete a bachelor’s degree in commerce, majoring in Financial Planning and Accounting. My purpose was to educate myself, to help not only myself and my children, but others who might find themselves in a similar situation. While studying full-time I also had to work full-time hours to keep a roof over our heads.

Having proven myself a hardworking, dedicated and persistent individual, I worked in several planning firms before commencing my own business. In September 2021, I launched Serafina Wealth Management, a financial planning firm that prioritises your financial well-being, dreams, and aspirations. A new freedom was found when I could focus on my clients and their circumstances, rather than corporate Key Performance Indicators and marching to the beat of another’s drum. Serafina has enabled me to deliver the service and care which I had set out to provide.

Professional services with a heart

Being at the helm of my business has enabled me to spend the time I needed with my clients to develop long and trusted relationships. I am fortunate to be able to assist clients who feel overlooked by other firms. To maintain a sustainable business we have a wide variety of clients and portfolio values, however, the same heart is delivered to every client.

Providing clients with peace of mind is incredibly satisfying for me, along with working with my clients to uplift their financial position. I have a deep understanding of and a soft spot for those who have had their lives turned upside down by either divorce or the death of a loved one. I also love to assist with capital longevity for the elderly who may have limited funds to sustain their final years.

A balanced life

Our services go beyond mere financial planning to create a journey of financial security, peace of mind, and life fulfilment. I remind myself and my clients that it’s important not to get caught in the overwhelm of now and lose sight of your progress. To help me focus on what’s important I remember my ‘WHY’, to provide a safe space for clients of my boutique financial planning business, and also ensure I maintain balance in my life by enjoying some time out now and then.

As a client beautifully stated, “With Cathy, every step is explained, every question is answered, and every decision is mutual – there’s a consistency and balance that brings about trust.

My business journey continues to ensure my service offering is available to my clients for years to come. The personal satisfaction of knowing I’m helping individuals to help themselves to a brighter financial future makes all the difference to me.

Learn more visit https://serafinawm.com.au/