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Why firms bringing on PY advisers is vital for the future of advice

In the latest episode of The ifa Show, host Keith Ford is joined by academic and consultant Dr Katherine Hunt to dive into the barriers that are holding advice firms back from bringing on young advisers and why overcoming them is important for the future of the profession.

Reflecting on conversations with advisers who have decided working with professional year (PY) advisers simply doesn’t fit their business model, Hunt outlined why this is an area where advice firms can take on more responsibility for improving the overall profession while still gaining value from a new adviser’s skills.

Listen as she discusses:

  • How to reposition the value proposition of a PY adviser as a positive for your clients.
  • Why the proposed new class of adviser could be reason for optimism and lead to growth in adviser numbers in the long-term.
  • How to get the most out of mandated ethics continuing professional development rather than just ticking a box.

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