On the sidelines of the AIOFP conference in Tokyo, Japan, M&A consultant Steve Prendeville joins The ifa Show to chat about the increasing influence of foreign buyers in Australian financial services. We also speak with Malcolm Whitten of Nikko Asset Management about the strategy behind the Nikko AM Australian Share Income Fund.
Disclaimer: This information in this podcast was prepared & presented by Nikko Asset Management Australia Limited ABN 34 002 542 038, AFSL 229664 (Nikko AM Australia), the responsible entity and issuer of units in the Nikko AM Nikko AM Australian Share Income Fund (NASIF) ARSN 133 980 819. Nikko AM Australia is part of the Nikko AM Group. It does not take into account a potential investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. It is not intended to constitute personal advice, and must not be relied upon as such. Before making a decision based on this material, a potential investor should consider the Fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the ‘Additional Information to the PDS’ available at www.nikkoam.com.au/pds. Applications only accepted if made on a current application form. Distributions & the return of capital are not guaranteed. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Whilst we believe the information contained in this material to be correct as at the date of presentation, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. Any references to particular securities or sectors are for illustrative purposes only & are as at the date of publication. This is not a recommendation in relation to any named securities or sectors. No warranty or guarantee is provided that the positions will remain within the portfolio of the Fund. Any economic or market forecasts are not guaranteed.
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