There are problems with the dealer group recruitment model, but a revolution is coming.
Business owners are, in the main, cynical about recruiters so there is a certain degree of inertia they must overcome.
It’s not an easy decision for business owners to change licensee. It involves ‘shaking the tree’ when, after all is said and done, it’s easier to do nothing and just stay put.
They often view it as a beauty parade. After all, every dealer group, in the main, provide all the ‘hygiene services’ pretty well. That is research, technology, compliance and brokerage etc.
Typically the recruiter gathers up a target list of businesses they think will be suitable. The next step in most cases is the dreaded cold call. If they’re lucky an appointment will be made and out they trot with a 40-page PowerPoint deck (the beauty parade).
In the case where the recruiter isn’t a dedicated resource they have to deal with other competing key performance indicators that aren’t even recruitment related. These other KPI’s take up a large slice of their time and effort.
What if we could break the mould?
What if the business owner was genuinely surprised and delighted by an approach from a recruiter?
What if the experience was all about the business owner? That would require a mindset shift from “here’s our offer and why it’s the best” to “where are you now, where do you want to be, what do you need to get there and how can we help?”
Sound too idealistic? Not really as far as we’re concerned.
It does, however, require the ability to conduct a painless investigation into the business’ general health, or lack of it.
It also requires the recruiter to be able to identify the needs, priorities and motivators of the business. If these two initial elements are achieved the recruiter is more likely to engage the prospect and have the ability to effectively tailor their pitch. Right there is the point of difference that all recruiters are seeking.
All this leads to a reduction in the sales cycle and better conversion – and lets face it there is only so many opportunities to bring on new established businesses. On the flip side by following this approach the recruiter will be able to quickly identify ‘red flags’ and be able to walk away before it’s too late.
The most effective recruitment outcomes are those based on mutual understanding and expectation between recruiters and prospects.
This is possible, effective and not too far away.
Neil O’Grady is head of business diagnostics at YTML and a director of BusinessBlades
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