ASIC has released exam results from the 19th Financial Advisers Exam cycle, held in November 2022.
Just 57 per cent of the 282 candidates who took the November exam have passed, ASIC said in a statement on Thursday.
A total of 43 per cent of the November candidates were resitting the exam for at least the second time, while the remainder were first-timers.
To date, 20,309 individual candidates have taken the exam, with over 92 per cent of those receiving a pass. This, according to ASIC, demonstrates that “they have the skills to apply their knowledge of advice construction, ethics and legal requirements to the practical scenarios tested in the exam”.
Of those who have passed:
“For this exam cycle, as has been the practice for past exams, unsuccessful candidates will receive general feedback from ACER to highlight the curriculum areas where they have underperformed,” ASIC said.
The next exam sitting will be held on 16 February 2023.
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