The standards authority has released its proposed legislative amendment for consultation that will open up the final exam sitting of the year to all advisers.
In a statement, FASEA said it had released the Corporations (Relevant Providers Exam Standard) Determination 2019 Amendment for consultation.
“The draft amendment proposes relief from the 3 month registration requirement for November 2021 exam sitting,” the authority said.
“The relief will allow all candidates who have been unsuccessful at any prior sitting to sit the November exam.”
FASEA said the November sitting would be offered both online and in person, depending on COVID restrictions at the time.
“This amendment aims to provide existing advisers with an additional opportunity to meet the transition requirements of the Corporations Act. FASEA welcomes stakeholder feedback on this proposed amendment,” FASEA chief executive Stephen Glenfield said.
The amendment proposed by FASEA to the exam legislative instrument would allow an exemption from the mandatory three-month gap between exam sittings for anyone sitting the exam between 1 November and 31 December 2021.
Consultation on the amendment was open to industry stakeholders until 28 July.
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