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FPA board member runs for Senate

An FPA board member and longtime adviser has decided to run as an independent candidate for the Senate in the July 2 election, representing Western Australia. 

Julie Matheson has been a Certified Financial Planner since 1992, a board member of the FPA since 2006 and a councillor for the City of Subiaco since 2011.

"I've decided to run because Western Australia hasn't had an independent senator since 1974, and it shows in what Western Australia gets from the federal government," she said, noting that the last WA senator, Syd Negus, was elected on an anti-inheritance tax platform.

Ms Matheson noted in particular how Western Australia is not receiving its fair share of the GST.

"We represent 11 per cent of the population and we're getting about 3 per cent," she said.

"Our existing West Australian parliamentarians have been unable to negotiate anything for Western Australia because they fear the marginal seats in other states and they fear the loss of them if they ask for more for Western Australia."

Financial planners would do well in the Senate, she added, particularly in light of recent government changes to super.


"We need experienced financial planners in Parliament because we can't be having these changes to the superannuation system without it being checked off, and the best place for that to be checked is at the Senate," Ms Matheson said.

"I think that's where financial planners will do well, being elected as independents in the Senate."

Adrian Flores

Adrian Flores

Adrian Flores is a deputy editor at Momentum Media, focusing mainly on banking, wealth management and financial services. He has also written for Public Accountant, Accountants Daily and The CEO Magazine.

You can contact him on [email protected].