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Zenith launches self-assessment website

Research house Zenith Investment Partners has launched a website providing information about its services for financial advisers in line with the ASIC RG79 requirements.

In a statement released yesterday, Zenith national sales manager John Nicoll announced the research house has “significantly redeveloped” its website to provide more information to advisers.

“In the RG79 guidelines for research houses released last year, ASIC made it very clear what the expectations are of research houses and the type of information they expect to be publicly available,” Mr Nicoll said.

“They [ASIC] want advisers to be able to fully understand the service offering of research houses, the depth and quality of research that is actually undertaken, business models, breadth of coverage, percentage of funds receiving positive ratings, and an ongoing history of those ratings.

“Zenith has made all of this information available on its website so that our advisers know how the organisation operates, why we operate that way, where Zenith’s services can help them, and those areas [in which] it can’t.”