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APRA releases 2013 super statistics

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released its bulletin on superannuation assets in 2013, with important findings for the SMSF sector.

otal superannuation assets increased 15.7 per cent to $1.62 trillion for the financial year ending 30 June 2013, according to APRA’s latest Annual Superannuation Bulletin.

APRA-regulated superannuation entities accounted for $970.1 billion of total assets, and SMSFs assets accounted for $506 billion.

The remaining $142.9 billion consisted of exempt public sector superannuation schemes with $97.5 billion in assets and the balance of life office statuary funds with $45.4 billion in assets.

During the 12-month period, industry fund assets increased by 21.5 per cent, small fund assets including SMSFs, single-member approved deposit funds and small APRA fund assets, increased by 15.4 per cent, while retail funds increased by 13.9 per cent.

Public sector fund assets rose by 15.4 per cent, small APRA fund assets increased by 15.5 per cent and corporate fund assets increased by 9.1 per cent.

The number of SMSFs rose by 7.1 per cent to 509,362 funds during the 2013 financial year, while APRA-regulated entities with more than four numbers fell by 8.4 per cent.


The industry-wide rate of return for all superannuation funds with four or more members was 13.7 per cent for the financial year.

The average rate of return in the 10 years up to June 2013 was six per cent per annum.