Incoming CEO Craig Meller named his executive line-up in a statement released by the company today, saying the new structure reflects “AMP’s plans to build a leaner, more efficient and increasingly customer-driven organisation”.
“I’m excited to announce the team that will take AMP forward as we enter the next phase of our evolution,” Mr Meller said. “This new simpler structure will allow us to sharpen our focus on customers and respond to emerging opportunities more rapidly.”
The new group leadership team is made up of:
- Lee Barnett – Chief information officer, responsible for AMP’s information technology function, workspace and sourcing.
- Pauline Blight-Johnston – Group executive insurance and superannuation, responsible for AMP’s risk insurance, retail superannuation, investment and pensions, and platforms business portfolios.
- Rob Caprioli – Group executive advice and banking, responsible for AMP’s advice, banking and corporate superannuation business portfolios.
- Stephen Dunne – Managing director AMP Capital, responsible for AMP’s investment management, investment performance and Asian growth strategy portfolios.
- Gordon Lefevre – Chief financial officer, responsible for AMP’s finance function, effective 1 March 2014.
- Matthew Percival – Group executive public affairs and chief of staff, responsible for AMP’s public affairs function and the office of the CEO.
- Paul Sainsbury – Chief customer officer, responsible for AMP’s customer and self-managed superannuation business portfolios.
- Brian Salter – General counsel, responsible for AMP’s legal and governance functions.
- Wendy Thorpe – Group executive operations, responsible for AMP’s customer service, contact centres, underwriting and claims operations portfolios.
- Fiona Wardlaw – Group executive people and culture, responsible for AMP’s human resources function.
ifa understands the changes have come about as a result of the merger of the AMP Financial Services leadership with the wider group executive team.