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2024 agenda

08:00am - 08:40am

Registration and exhibition open

08:40am - 08:50am

MC welcome

Yvonne Adele
Yvonne Adele
Master of Ceremonies
08:50am - 09:10am

Navigating change: Insights for a transforming world

A leading spokesperson and driver for positive change in the financial services industry with more than 20 years of experience, Cassandra Crowe, CFA, Vice President of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. is well-placed to explore the transformational mega trends facing our future.

Ms Crowe will outline how the seismic shifts shaping our world, including global demographics, the transfer of wealth to an industry in accelerated transition, and rapid technology change, impact our investment thinking and the opportunities ahead.

  • A shifting balance: Ms Crowe will utilise T. Rowe Price’s global research platform to discuss worldwide demographic changes, wealth transfers, and social inequalities, offering a unique outlook from a leading global investment manager.

  • Investing on the right side of change: Navigating accelerated changes in our industry – encompassing breakthroughs in health care, technology, and a heightened emphasis on ESG and DEI – presents crucial inflection points. These mega trends drive the path forward, but what do we need to be thinking about to make sure we’re best positioned for them?

  • Through the investor’s lens: Ms Crowe will breakdown how these global and industry forces impact our investment thinking and the opportunities ahead as we move into a new era of normal.

Ms Crowe’s keynote offers attendees a deeper understanding of the mega trends transforming our world and industry, and their impact on our investment outlook. Attendees will be armed with valuable insights to navigate an ever-changing environment, and an understanding of why an active solutions mindset is critical.

Hear direct from Cassandra

Cassandra Crowe
Cassandra Crowe
CFA, Vice President,
T. Rowe Price Group Inc., and T. Rowe Price Australia Limited
09:10am - 09:30am

Hedging your bets, why Alternatives must play a role in Modern Portfolios

Many talk about alternatives…. but what are they, as they take several different forms. The contention is that a meaningful allocation to alternatives in a portfolio enhances risk adjusted returns.

Mariana Paul will walk through the drivers for growth in the Alts space particularly on the back of the shift away from the traditional 60/40 portfolio as investors seek for greater outcomes.

A dive into development in the Private Credit space and the opportunities it brings as it provides uncorrelated, alternative source of returns and is a diversifier in a client’s portfolio.

Hear direct from Mariana

Mariana Paul, CAIA
Mariana Paul, CAIA
Investment Specialist Head of Sales and Distribution – SE Asia,
09:30am - 09:50am

How passive flows are enhancing the opportunity for stock picking and why we need more Active ETMFs

Over the last decade ETFs have boomed globally. This trend has seen ETFs launched for many industries, countries and topical themes. Flows into passive strategies have outstripped flows into active strategies by an enormous magnitude. The result has been significant price distortions, as money has been invested in the largest companies regardless of their quality or valuation. Ironically, these passive flows and the price distortions they are creating, have increased the opportunity set for active managers. L1 Capital International Chief Investment Officer David Steinthal will talk through these issues and explain why he has launched the actively managed L1 Capital International Equities strategy as an ETMF (ASX: L1IF). David has more than 25 years’ investment experience managing family office, wholesale and retail money, using a proven process generating strong returns for investors.

David Steinthal
David Steinthal
Chief Investment Officer,
L1 Capital International
09:50am - 10:15am

Networking break and morning tea refreshments

10:15am - 10:45am

Navigating the macro investment landscape: Insights for 2024

Introduction: Dr Shane Oliver, Chief Economist and Head of Investment Strategy at AMP, brings decades of experience and expertise to the stage. His keynote session will provide a comprehensive analysis of the macro investment outlook, exploring critical economic indicators and their implications for global and Australian markets.

Key points:

  • Economic outlook: Dr Oliver will delve into the economic outlook, focusing on key factors such as growth, inflation, and interest rates. He will provide a nuanced understanding of the global and Australian economy, offering valuable insights into the current and future state of these economic drivers.

  • Investment markets overview: Dr Oliver will discuss the implications of the economic outlook on various asset classes, including shares, bonds, property, and the Australian dollar. Attendees can expect a detailed analysis of the potential return prospects and risks associated with each market, helping them make informed investment decisions.

  • Key risks to outlook: Identifying potential challenges and risks is crucial in navigating the investment landscape. Dr Oliver will highlight key risks that could impact the macroeconomic outlook, providing a realistic assessment of the factors that investors should monitor closely.

Interactive Q&A: The session will include an interactive Q&A segment, allowing the audience to engage directly with Dr Oliver. Attendees can pose questions related to the macro investment outlook, seek clarification on specific points, and gain personalised insights tailored to their investment interests.

Conclusion: Dr Oliver will conclude the session by summarising the key takeaways and leaving the audience with a clear understanding of the economic landscape. His expertise, backed by a Ph.D. in economics, positions him as a trusted guide in deciphering the complexities of the macro investment environment. As attendees leave the session, they will be equipped with valuable insights to navigate the dynamic world of global and Australian investment markets in 2024.

Shane Oliver
Shane Oliver
Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist,
10:45am - 11:05am

The art of cash management: Why banks don't always want your money

Cash Management is not always what it seems. Banks want your money so they can lend it out, don’t they? Well yes, kind of but not always…they want it at their price not yours. Let us take you through the refined art of cash and money management and what banks really care about. More importantly let’s talk about how you can get the banks to work for you, not the other way around.

In this session Bill Keogh and Daniel Bower will discuss:

  • Term deposit accounts – what they actually are, how they differ, and why you need to look more broadly
  • When is an offered rate a real rate and when is it simply clickbait? We put a spotlight on the labyrinth of money management
  • Australia and US rate changes mean you can currently get better cash rates overseas, we take a look at strategies to help you access cash around the globe in real time.
Bill Keogh
Bill Keogh
Transact1, a FinClear company
Daniel Bower
Daniel Bower
Chief Product Officer,
11:05am - 11:25am

Tax is the new alpha

With the looming new superannuation Division 296 tax, it is now more important than ever to understand the alternative structures available for your clients to continue to invest tax-effectively.

With no indexation of the $3m superannuation soft cap and the taxation on unrealised capital gains, many financial advisers are now, for the first time, considering alternative structures to tax-effectively accumulate wealth.

Amidst this evolving landscape, investment bonds emerge as a strategic complementary investment structure to superannuation, offering unique advantages tailored to the needs of individuals. Investment bonds offer access to all asset class, through a tax-paid investment structure taxed at a maximum rate of 30%, with the effective tax rate anticipated to be significantly lower over the long-term.

Generation Life's market-leading tax aware process positions investment bonds as an even more attractive option. Through innovative strategies like offsetting investment losses against income, we have significantly reduced the impact of tax on investment returns and maximise after-tax performance.

Gain valuable insights on optimising investments through direct avenues, superannuation, trust including corporate entities, and the advantages of investment bonds.

Grant Hackett OAM
Grant Hackett OAM
Chief Executive Officer,
Generation Life
11:25am - 12:00pm

Networking break and lunch

12:00pm - 12:30pm

Navigating the future: Insights from Australia’s sovereign wealth fund

Join us for an exclusive session with Alicia Gregory, Deputy Chief Investment Officer for Future Fund, as she shares her invaluable insights and experiences in steering one of the most significant financial entities in the country. At over $210bn, Future Fund is the federal government’s single largest financial asset, strengthening the government’s budget sheet and bolstering the country’s credit rating.

Overview: In this keynote address, Ms Gregory will take us on a journey through her distinguished career which has led her to her current position as DCIO, with responsibility for all physical asset classes across Future Fund and six other public asset funds collectively valued at over $270bn. With over 23 years of expertise in the financial services sector, including a substantial tenure at MLC, Ms Gregory brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to the stage.

  • Evolution of Responsibility: Ms Gregory’s ascent within Future Fund, from managing private markets to DCIO, reflects the dynamic nature of sovereign wealth management and the organisation’s approach to succession planning. Gain insights into Ms Gregory’s role and responsibilities, including the strategic decisions that shaped the fund’s portfolio, including private equity, property, credit, infrastructure, and timberland.

  • Leadership beyond borders: As Chair of the Australian Investment Council Board and a Non-Executive Director on the Tilt Group Board, Ms Gregory extends her influence well beyond Future Fund. Explore the broader impact of her leadership on the Australian investment landscape and the collaborative efforts that contribute to the nation’s financial resilience.

  • Future Fund’s impact: Ms Gregory will delve into the core mission of Future Fund, outlining its purpose to invest for the benefit of future generations of Australians. With a current standing of $211.9bn at 31 December 2023, discover how the fund achieves its long-term investment mandate, generating a return of 8.2 per cent per annum over the last decade against a target of 6.8 per cent.

  • Multi-fund management: Gain insights into the comprehensive role of Future Fund, which manages not only the sovereign wealth fund but also six other public asset funds collectively valued at just over $60 billion. Understand the diverse responsibilities, from supporting medical research to assisting Indigenous Australians and contributing to drought resilience and disaster recovery.

  • Building financial resilience: In a world facing unprecedented challenges, Ms Gregory will discuss how Future Fund’s purpose has never been more critical. Learn how the fund’s strategic investments strengthen the Australian government’s long-term financial position and contribute to vital initiatives such as medical research, Indigenous support, drought resilience, disaster response, and the NDIS.

Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to gain unique perspectives from a key figure in Australia’s financial landscape. Alicia Gregory’s keynote promises to be an enlightening session that will leave attendees with a deeper understanding of sovereign wealth management and its impact on the nation’s future prosperity.

Alicia Gregory
Alicia Gregory
Deputy Chief Investment Officer,
Future Fund
12:30pm - 12:50pm

Creating a portfolio which improves client retirement outcomes

Australians today are living longer and more active lives. However, this often leads to the uncertainty of not knowing how long they will need a regular income to fund their lifestyle or if they need access to lump sum money for unplanned health, aged care, or other expenses. What if you could give your clients certainty and flexibility in retirement via a guaranteed income for life to alleviate the worry about tomorrow’s ‘what ifs’ and market volatility?

When it comes to retirement planning, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach.

In this session, Justine Marquet, Head of Technical Services at Allianz Retire+ will present findings from our recent research report looking at how portfolio construction decisions impact clients’ retirement outcomes. Justine will identify when and how an allocation to a lifetime income stream can help advisers manage risks in retirement and deliver better outcomes.

Justine Marquet
Justine Marquet
Head of Technical Services,
Allianz Retire+
12:50pm - 01:10pm

The opportunities and challenges with decarbonising Australia

David is the Head of Index Investments Group for Australia and New Zealand at FTSE Russell. FTSE Russell has been a leading provider of benchmarks and index solutions for more than 35 years, spanning diverse asset classes and investment objectives with an estimated US$15.9tn in reported fund AUM for our benchmarks. As a global leader in sustainable investment with over 20 years of dedicated expertise, there is approximately US$281bn in passive AUM in sustainable investments and over 160 passive index tracking funds.

The opportunities and challenges of decarbonising Australia presents a critical issue that demands urgent attention. David’s presentation aims to shed light on the case for transition and engagement in achieving a sustainable future, particularly from the perspective of wealth management and highlighting the importance of the role of wealth management has in driving sustainable investments and fostering engagement with climate-conscious initiatives.

We will explore a global initiative that has garnered over 150 supporters across the globe with a combined US$60 trillion in assets under management and advisement and how this initiative is helping sovereign funds, pension funds and fund managers engage companies and encourage them onto a path of climate transition.

Overall, this presentation aims to inspire wealth management professionals to recognise the challenge of decarbonising Australia as an opportunity for positive change. By embracing transition and engagement, we can contribute to a sustainable future while also achieving financial success.

Hear direct from David

David Ho
David Ho
Head of Index Investments Group, Pacific (Australia & New Zealand) ,
FTSE Russell, LSEG
01:10pm - 01:35pm

Networking break and afternoon tea refreshments

01:35pm - 02:05pm

Keynote: The importance of small investors in Australia’s markets

Jane Hume is the Federal Shadow Minister for Finance, Shadow Minister for the Public Service, Shadow Special Minister of State and Chair of the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living.

Senator Hume will speak about the important role of an even playing field for investors in Australia, and ensuring our tax and investment settings are not geared towards favouring one investor or investment class over another.
Key points:

  • The importance of private investors including self managed super funds in Australian’s capital pool: Small non-commercial investors hold a relatively small amount of capital, but are critical as an option for Australians wishing to have greater control over their own money and their own retirement savings. Senator Hume will focus on the role small, non-commercial “mum and dad” investors play in supporting things like residential housing through the ownership of investment properties.
  • Individual choice: When Governments seeks to tilt the scales in favour of institutional investors by removing the ability to negatively gear properties or tax unrealised capital gains in self managed super funds, they are effectively limiting the ability of Australians that wish to have greater control over their own investments to do so.
  • Senator Hume will emphasise the balance between the need to protect and educate Australians as they engage with financial markets and business, while still empowering them to take risks that will ultimately lead to the next generation of Australian companies and innovation.

Interactive Q&A: The session will include an interactive Q&A segment, allowing the audience to engage directly with Senator Hume. Attendees can pose questions related to the policy positions of the Federal Opposition, Australia’s fiscal stance and the importance of politicians getting the economic settings right to allow for productivity and growth.

Senator Jane Hume
Senator Jane Hume
Shadow Minister,
02:05pm - 02:25pm

Why global small caps: Now and over the long-term

The macro environment has provided a very strong headwind to global small caps and other longer duration risk assets in recent years. Market leadership among mega-cap stocks has also led to growing concentration risk within large cap indices. Despite recent underperformance, fundamentals among global small cap stocks remain resilient, with earnings expected to grow faster than relative to their large cap peers in 2024 (as they typically do in the longer term). Valuations are now compelling for global small caps, and the combination of discounted valuations and faster earnings growth usually bodes well for future returns. Global small cap markets remain highly inefficient. We believe there are compelling bottom-up opportunities to invest in companies positioned to deliver accelerating and sustainable earnings growth in a wide range of economic environments to deliver strong absolute and relative returns to investors. Chris Chen, Senior Investment Director, will discuss why global small caps are providing a compelling opportunities for investors both now and for the long term.

Christopher Chen
Christopher Chen
CFA, Vice President, Senior Investment Director,
American Century Investments
02:25pm - 02:45pm

Growth opportunities in the wealth industry

From his central industry position as CEO of the Financial Services Council, Blake Briggs will take a big picture view of emerging growth opportunities in the wealth and financial services industry.

The industry has been buffeted by regulatory change and challenging market conditions over recent years, however there are emerging green shoots, across financial advice, superannuation, and innovation in investment products.

This address will cover the Government’s intent to legislate reforms to the financial advice regulatory framework this year and the important role of a healthy advice sector in supporting industry growth. Blake will also discuss the evolution of the superannuation industry to become more dynamic and responsive to customer expectations, and innovation in the investment sector, such as how products that are facilitating the transition to net-zero becoming mainstream.

The FSC has over 100 member companies, across funds management, not-for-profit and retail superannuation funds, financial advice licensees and investment platforms, allowing the FSC to provide unique insights into growth opportunities across the wealth ecosystem.

Blake Briggs
Blake Briggs
Chief Executive Officer ,
Financial Services Council
02:45pm - 02:50pm

MC Closing Remarks

Yvonne Adele
Yvonne Adele
Master of Ceremonies
02:50pm - 03:30pm

Networking reception